I’m Lynn Rodenroth. I’ve just completed Billy Beck’s 12 week Next Level Ultimate Fat Burning Strategy Challenge!
Key Lessons/Habits I’ve Acquired:
- FOCUSING on what’s important, minimizing distractions; starts in training, carries through day
- NOURISHING w/ food as fuel, as close to natural source as possible
- LOVING salad And burpees!
- BEING Joyfully Present
- GIVING in time of grief
- REFUSING mediocrity
- Sitting and standing up straight! It’s not even comfortable to slouch anymore.
Area I need to work on:
- sleep cycle
My favorite mental/emotional conditioning and incantations from the program are:
- “Beliefs are the software of our minds”.
- ”I’m very appreciative of the opportunity to grow — and become the REAL ME. I am the artist of my life, and I was born to live greatly.”
- “…it’s a spiritual process”
- “It will be difficult but it is only through adversity do you become more and create life on your terms.”
- “If you are devoted to Self Mastery then take the next step and see if you have the mindset to transform.”
- “I am here for a higher purpose. Claim it with every rep, every breath… with ALL of ME. I am made for this!”
Area I need to work on:
- “Where focus goes, energy flows” (forever practice!)
#1 Did I follow the plan?
My average number of training sessions during the 12 weeks was 5.5/6 per week. I followed the fire and fuel meal plan nearly exact, with the exception of the 24 hour fast once per week, as I felt a little shaky after the first 2 weeks of it… so on the rest of the weekly fasting days, I supplemented with more vegetables, similar to the cleanse we do during Life Mastery. The eating plan made a huge impact on me!! I weighed my food until I had the right portions/calories down pat. Good food — SALADS! especially — taste sooooo good and I look forward to them. I had a lot of fun grazing our local farmer’s markets to find a variety of colorful veggies for our family meals.
#2 Results
- I gained a pound — of muscle! AND I went down a pant size, from a size 4 to a size 2. (I find that a great way to monitor how I’m doing is in how my jeans fit!) I was not overweight prior to the challenge, but was seeking more muscle, and more energy. I am stronger than ever!!
- I can’t remember *when it happened, but about mid august I realized I had been training *without music! Instead, I found myself craving the quiet connection to my presence. It’s really, really nice!
- In July, I ran my first 5k EVER! And I ran it with my husband and 3 teenagers. Super cool family experience and we’ll be doing it again! I continue to improve my running… this week I posted a 6:58 one mile assessment (down from 15 min when I first started 17 mos ago!)
#3 Positive Impact
This is the area that really hits home for me— in a profoundly life changing way.
In addition to my family of 5, I have an extended family of my brother and sister and their spouses, kids, and my Dad.
This is my Dad, me, my sister Kimberly and my brother Jeff. We’re very close
My brother’s family is in Georgia, my sister’s family is in South Carolina, and my Dad on a small sailboat in an Alabama marina with a bunch of retired guys doing the same thing.
There are 9 kids/cousins/grandkids. We have so much fun, and often travel together.
I also own a small business with 4 key employees and several part time. We’re tight knit too — chosen family, like my Plat Brothers & Sisters.
I’m really blessed because the people I love are my day to day world. And I want to tell you a little more about the 3 most important men in my life: my husband Rob (who also trains with Billy), my brother Jeff, and my Dad.
The challenge was about to start on July 1st. I had just returned from Platinum Adventure trip in the Bahamas, high on life— thinking how lucky I am that life is SO good.
When I returned home, I was was so excited to shop for food, and get ready for the challenge going into the weekend. (Start date was Friday July 1st, going into a holiday weekend! lol … Billy!?!)
Then out of the blue, on July 2nd, my Dad had a stroke. We all flew to see him right away, and then I returned to overnight in the hospital with him while he got through the first few really rough days/weeks.
During the 2nd trip, there was an especially critical point where PT was working with my Dad to see if he could stand for the first time — and it was just not happening. Then, incantations from my daily BB3 training burst out. I just could not help myself!! I interrupted the process, and yelled, “Dad!! DECIDE and your body WILL follow! ALL YOU NEED IS IN YOU NOW!!” And! … he didn’t say a word… he just got this determined look on his face, and he STOOD UP!! It was really amazing.
After lots of hospital time and seeing up close how broken our “sick system” is, and how disorganized care for our nation’s Vets is, I vowed to stick by my Dad for the long haul and all the layers. I returned home for a few days, and then—
On July 29th, my husband Rob had an accident. He fell from a beam 8ft up, and landed on his head and upper body. He was unconscious for 6 minutes, bleeding from his head and eye and nose… he had the death rattle breathing… it was terrifying, we thought he was dying… I was on the ground with him, holding him and talking to him… time slowed down… I was aware that some people around us were freaking out and others were just frozen… I called 911, and the dispatch calmly prepared me to handle the worst. Rob finally came to, and he asked me what happened. I told him “Rob, you fell. You’re going to be ok— because you’re a LION.” I could tell even in his weak state that he knew precisely what that meant. LION. One word from our training that embodied and conveyed the reassurance he desperately needed in that first moment of uncertainty.
(Deep Breath! )
Here he is, in ER that night, but so very lucky:
As if this wasn’t enough for our family, on August 3rd my very, very dear brother, Jeff passed away. He had been battling stage 4 kidney cancer for nearly 3 years. Then he very suddenly took a turn for the worst. His medicines had been switched, he had complications, and within hours, he was gone. By way of a miracle, I left my house within 10 min, caught a plane to Atlanta and was able to see him just before he passed.
One of the best, most present trainings I had during the Next Level Challenge was the morning of Jeff’s funeral service. During the service, the Priest described my brother 3 times, as “joyful presence” — a key phrase Billy uses in trainings. I do not think this is any coincidence! This was indeed was a profound lesson for me.
(I swear I have at least a thousand of these goof ball shots over 53 years! Best brother ever!)
All kinds of emotions came in waves though the 12 weeks, and I continued to find peace and comfort and strength in my training. And in turn, I sought out offerings of peace and comfort and strength to others. I found a great deal of healing in connecting and giving. The seed for this was BB3 Coaching.
In August, Billy had a super cool post about a lady he spotted one day selling flowers from a bike, in the Florida heat — with a toddler on her back, and pregnant! He was so impressed, he talked with her, and gave her money. And then she went right back to selling flowers. I think they both made one another’s day! Well, this really inspired me, as I realize there are many people working diligently while under very difficult life circumstances. I immediately challenged myself to notice and really *see 2 people who’s efforts I really respect, and that could use some *direct help.
I gifted one person resistance equipment (same as we use in BB3). She is putting in a lot of work, but all cardio. She is excited to do more but cannot afford a gym and has limited time with 3 young boys.
The second person has special needs, works, and is looking to increase independent living; I simply helped her setup an email address and computer/online access to a world of resources that will help better her life.
They were both overjoyed, but I gratefully, received the best gift — the strength of perspective. Even though I’ve been really struggling with the recent death of my brother, and helping my Dad heal from a stroke, I’m reminded that life is indeed BRILLIANT. I feel like I can keep going , and with higher purpose, even when uncertain.
I am grateful to be reminded to recognize the Lion spirit, not only in ourselves, but in others as well! Billy has some amazing posts and audio, and I listen!!!
I cannot understand why tragedy happens one after another and how life unfolds the way it does. But I KNOW that this training was the KEY to, not just handling recent circumstances of grief and fear, but standing in strength and serving others throughout. There were so many times within the last 12 weeks where I knew what to do to help when others did not, or were not willing. And my fellow BB3ers were so supportive too, as I posted my trainings alongside my challenges. I shudder a bit to think about the difficult path I would have likely without this program while grieving. Instead, I have a
path to a life well lived and so much sweeter, even in the pain.
I have a big stack of cards. They are all cards I’ve received in the mail recently (hail snail mail! ). Many of them are sympathy cards, and 7/8 of them are “thank you” cards. To me, this is a sign — a clue — of Living Greatly! So I intend to keep right on going!!
“Challenge creates change!” Billy says. “You BET it does!!!” I say. I am forever changed, and *somehow, despite all the pain, only for the better.
Billy, you are LIGHT. And I am very, very grateful. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
(September 20, 2022)
PS: Rob is healing well, and my Dad is now in our family home where Rob & I lead by example of the Lion, every day, so he can continue to improve — and so can we!! NEXT Next Level!!