1. EAT Enough:
People have been misled into thinking that eating less will cause greater fat loss. This is not true. For every ten pounds of weight loss on a starvation diet, you will lose approximately six pounds of lean body mass (muscle and water). This will slow metabolism and result in a soft, flabby appearance.
2. EAT Often:
If you are looking to speed metabolism and incinerate fat then eat every 2-3 hours. Whether you eat every 2 or 3 hours will depend on your metabolism. Someone more advanced will need to eat more frequently than someone to new to it.
3. EAT Lean Protein & High Octane Carbs at every meal
By eating High Octane Carbs with Protein you will ensure that the protein will not be used for energy but rather to build and repair calorie burning muscle. This will allow you to rev your metabolism and use the time-released carbohydrates as fuel.
What are High Octane Carbs?
My experience has taught me that there is no “one size fits all” eating plan. There are some foundational principles which apply to everyone but many people need to fine tune their food intake. For example, some people lean out by ingesting starchy carbohydrates like rice, pasta and potatoes while others do better on slow digesting carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables. This is a whole other topic that I will address in detail in the “Nutritional Mastery Series”.
4. EAT Foods closest to their natural source!
The foods that burn the most calories in the act of digestion are usually the healthiest. If you want to know how to determine which foods are best to eat? Ask yourself this question:
“Where did it come from?”
If you have to think about it for more than a few seconds then it probably is not a good idea to eat it. Consider this:
Which is better?
A baked potato or instant mash potato flakes?
They are both potatoes right?
Where do they come from?
A baked potato comes from the ground; you clean the dirt off, cook it and eat it. Instant mash potato flakes come from the ground but are then cooked, crushed and pulverized. With each step of processing, nutrients are removed or destroyed to the point where it possesses very little nutritional value. The end result: Fiber has been removed; therefore, it will be absorbed very rapidly causing a subsequent increase in insulin levels and a decrease in glucagon. As mentioned previously, this prevents the body from burning stored fat. Another negative is that since the machines did the “digesting” for you now you will burn less calories in the act of processing the food (a decreased thermic effect). Potatoes are only one example. The same applies to many others including fruit and fruit juice. The point to take home here is the human body is genetically designed to eat clean, unprocessed foods, not jelly beans. When possible consume certified organic foods that are found in nature.
5. Drink Water!!!
Water is the single most important nutrient. Every second of every day, literally billions and billions of chemical reactions are taking place in your body. With the snap of your fingers 7 billions liver cells die and instantaneously 7 billion more are reproduced.* For every one of those chemical reactions water is needed. Either it is put into (hydrolysis) or taken out (dehydration synthesis). When water is not present in the necessary amounts then the reactions still occur but they are less efficient. They “mis-fire” so to speak. This leads to a decrease in energy, a lack of focus and concentration, and water retention. These symptoms can be conquered by simply drinking more water throughout the day. How much?
Use the following equation to determine your daily intake:
Bodyweight (lbs.) multiplied by .50 = Minimum # ounces of water to drink daily
Bodyweight (lbs.) multiplied by .70 = The goal # ounces of water to drink daily
For example: A person who weight 200 pounds would consume 100-140 ounces of water per day.