The Magic Pill
The weight loss and sports nutrition industry rakes in over $50 billion a year. Yet, people are getting fatter and fatter.
While there are some options that do work, the majority of “solutions” are not sustainable.
Let me give you an example:
Alli™ – The only FDA Approved Over the counter Weight Loss Drug
How it works?
The makers of Alli™ believe that to lose weight you must limit fat intake. Their solution is simple: Make a pill that blocks fat absorption and that’s exactly what they did.
Alli™ also known as Orlistat binds with fat in your digestive tract, thus, making the fat molecule too large to pass through the lining of the intestines to be absorbed.
Quick fact: Fat, like water, protein, vitamins and minerals is classified as an essential nutrient. In other words, it is needed in order for your body to function healthily.Essential fats play a pivotal role in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E & K, are a pre-cursor to hormone production. If too little fat is ingested immune system and brain function will be compromised.
The Rule to Remember: Mess with Mother Nature and there will be hell to pay.
The makers of Alli call this hell “treatment effects”.
(Not side effects because that sounds bad. I can hear the marketing team now, “Let’s call them treatment effects. Brilliant! No one will ever know.” Hahahahaah evil laugh) 😀
So this is what you can expect with Alli™
This information is on the box. (Seriously, I couldn’t make this up)
“What are treatment effects?
“Alli™ works by preventing the absorption of some of the fat you eat. The fat passes out of your body, so you may have bowel changes, known as treatment effects. You may get:
- gas with oily spotting
- loose stools
- more frequent stools that may be hard to control
What to expect
The excess fat that passes out of your body is not harmful. In fact, you may recognize it as something that looks like the oil on top of a pizza. Eating a low-fat diet lowers the chance of these bowel changes. Limit fat intake in your meals to an average of 15 grams.”
One more tip…
Just in case you can not read that clearly here’s what that says “You may feel an urgent need to go to the bathroom. Until you have a sense of any treatment effects, it’s probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work.”Â
This is worth repeating…
“You may feel an urgent need to go to the bathroom, Until you have a sense of any treatment effects, it’s probably a smart idea to wear dark pants, and bring a change of clothes with you to work.”
Now who in their right mind wants to do this?
By the way, the Alli™ pills comes with a diet and exercise regimen.
So it leads to the question, how much does the supplement actually work?
This is just one of the possible options out there on the market. I don’t blame the companies making them and I don’t blame the people who buy them. Blaming does not solve problems. It’s a question of responsibility.
It is your responsibility to take care of your body. Do not leave your health and fitness and happiness in the hands of others. You must educate yourself. You must become a student of what really works. That is what you are doing right now and I commend you for investing the time to read this article. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back you deserve it.
So what do you think? Are the Side Effects Worth Even Trying It?
Before you answer that this was reported by the Associated Press.
“The Food and Drug Administration is investigating reports of liver damage in patients taking Alli, the only nonprescription weight loss drug approved by the agency.
Regulators said Monday they have received more than 30 reports of liver damage in patients taking Alli and Xenical, the prescription version of the drug. The reports, submitted between 1999 and October 2008, included 27 hospitalized patients and six who suffered liver failure.
Alli and Xenical are both marketed by British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline PLC, though Xenical is manufactured by Swiss firm Roche.” Source
Reminds me of the big Olestra craze a few years back. Eat all the chips you want (eat any more than five and you’ll definitely poop your pants.) Call me Johnny Crazyface, but doesn’t a diet that makes you crap yourself seem somewhat unhealthy?
And on another note, it’s saying to eat less than 15 grams of fat per meal. According to a chart I just looked up on the internet, that’s about what’s recommended anyhow.
“…doesnÂ’t a diet that makes you crap yourself seem somewhat unhealthy?”
Omg…I’m in tears laughing right now! “Treatment Effects”, my ass!
Very interesting! No doubt the liver is taxed with this medication, along with all of the other toxins, alcohol, and hormones we ingest on a daily basis. I can’t get over the “treatment effects” or the fact that people willingly ingest this ridiculous med-and then spend their day sharting afterwards (no worries, extra pair of pants in the car). I’m guessing these people also have a major fatty acid deficit (hello depression, brittle nails, dry skin, cold and flu season, and dull side pain!). I wonder what other meds these people end up using to fix these symptoms? Thanks for a great article!
LOL! That’s so funny Lisa!
So you shit your pants every other day and damage your liver…..whats the big deal? j/k. It’s absolutely ridiculous that that products like this even make it to the shelf. And I love how we the people, end up being the guinea pigs to really test its long-term effects and safety.
Last time I checked as well, most people are becoming fat and overweight because of a tremendous over-consumption of sugars and processed carbs, not fat. Guess we still haven’t educated people enough on what’s really making them fat.
I’ve also come to the conclusion that “eating less & moving more” is just way too complex for the majority of people. Great info Billy and hopefully this gets spread around a lot more!
OMG Seriously……. People actually take this after they read the side effects! What is sad is that this is what we are up against. Thanks for shedding some light and actually educating people! GReat post! I dont care how over weight i could be i would not wanna be walking around sharting!! Haha so funny Lisa!
LOL Michelle! Yes I rather be fart that walk around sharting too! Great post Billy!
To shart or not to shart? That is the question!
I believe the sharts produced by this “magic” weight loss poison might be the body’s way of saying, “Your liver, gall baller, intestines and other important internal body parts are now being mutilated slowly and pooped out your bung hole… Do you wish to continue?”
In all seriousness though, I hope that people who are actually taking this garbage wake up soon before they cause real harm to themselves! There IS a better, safer, healthier way guys!
I like your given detailed information about Allia weight loss pills. I am suffering from obesity, I am taking lots of medicine to reduce my weight but at the end there is no any solutions and than I come across to your article I thought this article was exactly what I needed. Thank You