Watch the Entire Video to Learn About the 3 Phase Nutrition & Supplementation Plan that Helped Adam Cut His Body Fat in Half in Less than 90 Days.
Phase I
Detox & Cleanse
Purpose: To improve body’s ability to build muscle and burn fat by improving overall health & vitality.
Phase II
Metabolic Enhancement & Muscle Building
Purpose: To prepare the body for advanced fat burning by adding muscle & speeding metabolism.
Phase III
Advanced Fat Burning
Purpose: To maximize the body’s ability to burn fat via carbohydrate cycling & specialized training.
If you have any questions please post them below and Billy will check in to answer you.
Great information Billy! I am going to do it. One question, I watched the fire and fuel meals video. Are fire meals the same as the low carb meals in the video? And my other question is are the fuel meals the same as the carb protein and vegetable meals in the video? thanks!
David, yes the Fire meals are protein and vegetables while the Fuel meals contain protein, complex carbs or fruit and vegetables. You can get full details by watching the video here:
Thanks David!
Great information and great program. Quick question, how long does each phase last??
Hey Shawn,
Great question! Each phase can last anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks. If a client has no restrictions such as travel I would structure a fat loss protocol as follows:
1. Detox & Cleanse 3 weeks
2. Metabolic Enhancement 3 weeks
3. Advanced Fat Burning Protocol I – 3 weeks
4. Advanced Fat Burnining Protocol II – 3 weeks
5. Advanced Fat Burning Protocol III – 3 weeks
At this point, if the client is compliant then they are shredded.
Could you explain what you are “detoxing” from your body? There are so many disreputable companies talking about this that it is hard to separate the spin from the science. Thanks.
Mike, great question and you are right there are a lot of garbage products out there. Most of which use detox for weight loss. The purpose of detoxification is not weight loss although people often do lose weight. The real purpose of detoxification is to reduce inflammation, remove toxins such plastic residues, heavy metals, pesticides, hormones and antibiotics found in our food supply as well as re-balance the intestinal flora (good bacteria).
The end result of an effective detox protocol is your body has a greater ability to remove the toxins as well as improved digestion and nutrient absorption. Our clients at BB3 notice more energy, better sleep, less mood swings, clearer thinking and often times fat loss. The main organs that affect digestion is the liver, kidneys and GI tract (stomach, intestines). I could go on and on. I get a lot of questions about this so I will dedicate a week to this to explain it in greater details. Thanks for the question Mike! Live Greatly!
When you talk about measuring your foods, are you doing this pre-cooked or after? Also with things like Chickpeas/beans/Quinoa. Do you measure them dry or after they have soaked/cooked?
Great question Alan, all foods are measured after they are cooked. The only exception is oatmeal.
Hey Billy
You mentioned during Detox & Cleanse only eat lean protein , vegetables n fats and this phrase last for 3 weeks but if we don’t eat carbs for three weeks aren’t we going to lose muscle too. Correct me if im wrong; body will only burn fat for 3 three days if we are not eating carbs but on the fourth day it will attack the muscles. Could you explain more on this phrase?
Sachin, It is not quite that simple. I was limited on time with the video. So let me explain a bit further. During the detox though you are not only eating FIRE meals you also cycle i FUEL meals. In fact the first week and second week is mostly fuel meals but eliminates certain carbs. You can get the complete detox and cleanse program as a member of Physical Mastery Coaching. We just added it.
I like your plan, it is simple and easy to understand. I am 55 years old and train for masters olympic lifting. I try to have 3 high intensity workouts per week. I am currently reviewing my nutritional habits and supplementation because I have been struggling with recovery and energy levels. I weigh in at the upper limit of my weight class so the leaner the better but I am concerned about the lack of complex carbs in the fire meals as I already lack energy at times.
So my question is during the first 3 weeks of fire meals if I use a product like Vitargo S2 in my pre work out drink for energy from carbs would that defeat the purpose of the fire meals?
Hey Doug,
The Vitargo Pre or Post workout is a good strategy especially for adding muscle. What makes the Fire & Fuel meals effective is the cycling. Both will burn fat. Fuel meals tend to build more muscle and are best utilized pre and post workout.