Blog: Physical Training

Lions & Lionesses, 

Over the years, many of my female clients set a goal to go from “knee push-ups” or “girl push-ups” as they call them to be strong enough to do perform standard military-style push-ups.

Here’s the thing, to go from your knees to your toes is a massive jump.  This almost never happens.  So you need a more intelligent approach.  It is simple.  If you are diligent then it is possible to achieve your goal of knocking out full military style push-ups within 30 days.  It all depends where you are starting.  Every human with a heart beat has the ability to become stronger.  That’s a fact.  So if that is your goal then commit and it will be so.

The Strategy To Go From “Girl Push-ups” To “Full Military Style Push-ups”

NOTICE: I don’t work with lambs. I work with lions.  If you are upset that I used the term “girl push-ups” then I’m not sorry. Get over it. I want people to find this information if they need it so I am using the terminology that they search and the words they use to describe their challenge; otherwise, I’m wasting my time and not helping anyone.  If you are not overly sensitive and don’t want me to die for “offending you” then please read on, my friend.  Either way, it’s all good in the hood. 

This is so simple you are going to love it.  I have used this strategy for dozens of clients with great success. You are going to perform push-ups with your hands on an elevated surface. If you don’t have a lot of upper body strength then you may need to begin on a kitchen counter or the wall.  Once you can complete 8 reps at this height then you will progress by lowering the hand position by 6 inches.  Eventually, you will work your way down to the floor.  If this is an important goal for you then perform 8 push-ups every day until you reach your objective.

If you get stuck then take two days off. Be sure you are ingesting enough protein and getting enough sleep then get back to it.  Here’s a video explaining how to perform hands elevated push-ups most effectively.

Apologies for the background noise. There was a giant truck unloading scrap metal outside. It is what it is though.  Life is what you make of it.  Know what I mean jelly bean?

Stay the course and the rewards will be substantial.

You got this.

Billy Beck III “BB3”

Ready For More? Try The Gauntlet No Equipment Needed Workout! “As Featured On NBC”
